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factory module

factory module contains a factory for each container: ListFactory for List, SetFactory for Set and DictFactory for Dict. They replace constructors of each container that require extra arguments such as connection, serializer, deserializer etc., and allow users to construct a container without specifying those extra arguments.


Basic usage

The results of the following two examples are almost the same (except for the auto-generated table names).

Without factory:

import sqlite3
import sqlitecollections as sc

conn = sqlite3.connect("path/to/file.db")

def encode(x: str) -> bytes:
    return x.encode("utf-8")

def decode(x: bytes) -> str:
    return x.decode("utf-8")

l1 = sc.List[str](["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"], connection=conn, serializer=encode, deserializer=decode)
l2 = sc.List[str](["Dave"], connection=conn, serializer=encode, deserializer=decode)
l3 = sc.List[str](["Erin"], connection=conn, serializer=encode, deserializer=decode)

With factory:

import sqlite3
import sqlitecollections as sc

conn = sqlite3.connect("path/to/file.db")

def encode(x: str) -> bytes:
    return x.encode("utf-8")

def decode(x: bytes) -> str:
    return x.decode("utf-8")

list_ = sc.ListFactory[str](connection=conn, serializer=encode, deserializer=decode)

l1 = list_(["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])
l2 = list_(["Dave"])
l3 = list_(["Erin"])

Specifying a table name

If you want to specify table names of containers from a factory, you can do that as follows:

import sqlite3
import sqlitecollections as sc

conn = sqlite3.connect("path/to/file.db")

def encode(x: str) -> bytes:
    return x.encode("utf-8")

def decode(x: bytes) -> str:
    return x.decode("utf-8")

list_ = sc.ListFactory[str](connection=conn, serializer=encode, deserializer=decode)

l1 = list_["first_table_name"](["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])

assert l1.table_name == "first_table_name"



Constructor of ListFactory which constructs List.

Type Parameters:

  • T: value type of the List


  • connection: str or sqlite3.Connection, optional, default=None; If None, temporary file is automatically created. If connection is a str, it will be used as the sqlite3 database file name. You can pass a sqlite3.Connection directly.
  • table_name: str, optional, default=None; Table name of containers from this factory. This argument is assumed not to be specified directly by users. If None, an auto-generated unique name will be used.
  • serializer: Callable[[T], bytes], optional, default=None; Function to serialize value. If None, pickle.dumps is used.
  • deserializer: Callable[[bytes], T], optional, default=None; Function to deserialize value. If None, pickle.loads is used.


Construct List[T] with connection, serializer and deserializer preset from ListFactory[T] list_.


  • data: Iterable[T], optional, defualt=None; Initial data.

Return value:

List[T]: connection, serializer and deserializer are the same as those of the factory list_.


Construct List[T] with connection, serializer and deserializer preset from the factory.


  • data: Iterable[T], optional, defualt=None; Initial data.

Return value:

List[T]: connection, serializer and deserializer are the same as those of the factory.


Return a copy of this factory f that creates container with table name t.


  • t: str; the table name

Return value:

ListFactory[T]: connection, serializer and deserializer are the same as those of this factory and the table name of the List[T] from this return value will be set to t.



DictFactory[KT, VT](...)

Constructor of DictFactory which constructs Dict.

Type Parameters:

  • KT: key type of the Dict
  • VT: value type of the Dict


  • connection: str or sqlite3.Connection, optional, default=None; If None, temporary file is automatically created. If connection is a str, it will be used as the sqlite3 database file name. You can pass a sqlite3.Connection directly.
  • table_name: str, optional, default=None; Table name of containers from this factory. This argument is assumed not to be specified directly by users. If None, an auto-generated unique name will be used.
  • key_serializer: Callable[[KT], bytes], optional, default=None; Function to serialize key. If None, pickle.dumps is used.
  • key_deserializer: Callable[[bytes], KT], optional, default=None; Function to deserialize key. If None, pickle.loads is used.
  • value_serializer: Callable[[VT], bytes], optional, default=None; Function to serialize value. If None, key_serializer is used.
  • value_deserializer: Callable[[bytes], VT], optional, default=None; Function to deserialize value. If None, key_deserializer is used.

dict_(data, **kwargs)

Construct Dict[KT, VT] with connection, key*serializer, etc., preset from DictFactory[KT, VT] dict*.


  • data: Mapping[KT, VT] or Iterable[Tuple[KT, VT]], optional, defualt=None; Initial data.
  • **kwargs: VT, optional; Appended to initial data.

Return value:

Dict[KT, VT]: connection, key*serializers, etc., are the same as those of the factory dict*.

create(data, **kwargs)

Construct Dict[KT, VT] with connection, key_serializer, etc., preset from the factory.


  • data: Mapping[KT, VT] or Iterable[Tuple[KT, VT]], optional, defualt=None; Initial data.
  • **kwargs: VT, optional; Appended to initial data.

Return value:

Dict[KT, VT]: connection, key_serializers, etc., are the same as those of the factory.


Return a copy of this factory f that creates container with table name t.


  • t: str; the table name

Return value:

DictFactory[KT, VT]: connection, key_serializer, key_deserializer, value_serializer and value_deserializer are the same as those of this factory and the table name of the Dict[KT, VT] from this return value will be set to t.




Constructor of SetFactory which constructs Set.

Type Parameters:

  • T: value type of the Set


  • connection: str or sqlite3.Connection, optional, default=None; If None, temporary file is automatically created. If connection is a str, it will be used as the sqlite3 database file name. You can pass a sqlite3.Connection directly.
  • table_name: str, optional, default=None; Table name of containers from this factory. This argument is assumed not to be specified directly by users. If None, an auto-generated unique name will be used.
  • serializer: Callable[[T], bytes], optional, default=None; Function to serialize value. If None, pickle.dumps is used.
  • deserializer: Callable[[bytes], T], optional, default=None; Function to deserialize value. If None, pickle.loads is used.


Construct Set[T] with connection, serializer and deserializer preset from SetFactory[T] set_.


  • data: Iterable[T], optional, defualt=None; Initial data.

Return value:

Set[T]: connection, serializer and deserializer are the same as those of the factory set_.


Construct Set[T] with connection, serializer and deserializer preset from the factory.


  • data: Iterable[T], optional, defualt=None; Initial data.

Return value:

Set[T]: connection, serializer and deserializer are the same as those of the factory.


Return a copy of this factory f that creates container with table name t.


  • t: str; the table name

Return value:

SetFactory[T]: connection, serializer and deserializer are the same as those of this factory and the table name of the Set[T] from this return value will be set to t.
