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Tests, type checking and linting locally

To run tests, type checking and linting locally, you'll need to have python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 installed. We use tox to run tests and type checking on all the supported python versions. You can set up the development environment with the following commands:

git clone
cd sqlitecollections
python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]

Then, just type the following command to run the test:


After a while, you'll see the following message at the bottom of the long logs from pytest and others.

__________________ summary __________________
  lint: commands succeeded
  py36: commands succeeded
  py37: commands succeeded
  py38: commands succeeded
  py39: commands succeeded
  py310: commands succeeded
  py311: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

Building documents

We use mkdocs to build the documentation. To set up the environment for building the document, run the following commands:

git clone
cd sqlitecollections
python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[docs]

Then, building the documentation can be done by the following command:

mkdocs build

The output will be located in site directory in your current directory.

During development, you can also run mkdoc's builtin development server with hot-reloading enabled with the following command:

mkdocs serve

In that case, you can check the result on


We have our own benchmark package.

Setup the benchmark package

To setup, run the following commands:

pip install docs/scbenchmarker

Run all benchmarks and render the results

Benchmarking is done in two steps:

Step 1: Run all benchmarks

python -m scbenchmarker --prefix=[prefix] benchmarking

Step 2: Render the results to markdown:

python -m scbenchmarker --prefix=[prefix] render

Results are stored in docs/benchmark_results/[prefix]/.

You can check the results on

Verbose mode

python -m scbenchmarker --verbose --prefix=[prefix] benchmarking

An example output is as follows: {'subject': '`__setitem__` (add new item)', 'one': {'name': '`dict`', 'timing': 0.0026721060276031494, 'memory': 0.00390625}, 'another': {'name': '`sqlitecollections.Dict`', 'timing': 0.006042510271072388, 'memory': 0.00390625}, 'ratio': {'timing': 2.2613287828598834, 'memory': 1.0}}

Run individual benchmarks

You can also run individual benchmarks.

python -m scbenchmarker --prefix=[prefix] benchmarking [benchmark script]::[benchmark name]

This command runs only a single benchmark. Together with the verbose mode, this is convenient for improving a single method and checking benchmarks frequently.

Compatibility policy

We aim to implement containers that are as compatible as possible with the built-in containers, but we have a few implementations that intentionally behave differently.

  • Normal behavior will be compatible, but in case of errors it may be different.
  • The constructor arguments are not compatible, as they require arguments specific to this package's container, such as sqlite3 DB file paths and serialization methods.
  • copy method in each container behaves similarly to deep copy, since it copies the table containing serialized elements.
  • Dict's item order is guaranteed to be insertion order not only for python 3.7 and upper but for all versions.
  • Dict.fromkeys class method is not provided.
  • Any member in the container cannot be mutated directly. If you want to mutate any member, mutate it via temporary variable then write it back.
import sqlitecollections as sc

x = sc.Dict({"a": []}) # create {"a": []}
x["a"].append("b")  # try to mutate the empty list
print(x["a"])  # not ["b"] but []

temp = x["a"]  # temporarily substitute the list to a variable
temp.append("b")  # mutate the temporary variable
x["a"] = temp  # then, write it back
print(x["a"])  # now, we get ["b"]